The Importance of Transvestia to 7V's

by Virginia Joy (FE-M-1)

One of the great functions of TRANSVESTIA is to help us TVs meet one another, to help us to understand one another and ourselves, without deceit, without ep- ology, frankly, gladly, as both brothers and sisters. A- mongst others, a FP does not have to pretend to be more masculine than she is. Nor does she have to pretend to be more feminine than she is, either an apparent nece- ssity for some transexualists. She can just be herself. This is the normal perogative of mankind, but society at present denies it to us.

Chevalier Publications gives us a sense of belonging TRANSVESTIA, with it's photographs, does this very well indeed: it brings us together mentally, even when we are physically a long way apart. It helps us to know ourselves, without shame. It's pages supply us with a medium in which to express ourselves, our special TV thoughts, openly and perhaps helpfully to others. It is a powerful force in helping us to admit to ourselves what we are - and that's the first vital step in learning to live with our problem and to enjoy our own special qualities. TRANSVESTIA may well prevent marriages which would certainly fail. and it may well save others who contemplate suicide.


Lastly, through "Contact", TRANSVESTIA gives us a chance of corresponding with, and eventually of meet- ing in person, those whom we most want to meet

brother sisters

we can freely,




the only people in the world with whom gladly and openly share our whole hearts.

May God bless this work!